NCS Community Survey

The Community Survey has closed. Thank you to all who participated. Results are now available!

Hi neighbors!  City officials are pleased to announce the results of City of Sanford Community Survey!

               Sanford Community Survey Report of Results 2024

The instrument, known as The National Community Survey™, allows the City of Sanford to compare results and benchmark residents’ opinions against other communities across the country. The survey included questions about quality of life, important characteristics of community, services provided by Sanford, and priorities for the future.

About The National Community Survey™ (The NCS™)

The NCS was among the first scientific surveys developed to gather resident opinion on a range of community issues, and has been used in more than 350 jurisdictions across 46 states. The NCS is a cost-effective survey of resident opinion and an important benchmarking tool that allows for comparison among communities. Communities using The NCS have reported that the tool improved service delivery, strengthened communications with community stakeholders and helped leaders identify clear priorities for use in strategic planning and budget setting. The NCS is the only resident survey endorsed by the International City/County Management Association and the National League of Cities.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Developed over 20 years ago and continually refined, The NCS is a survey of resident opinion that provides robust benchmark comparisons among communities across the nation. It has been used in more than 350 jurisdictions across 46 states. Communities using The NCS have reported that the tool improved service delivery, strengthened communications with community stakeholders, and helped leaders identify clear priorities for use in strategic planning and budget setting. It is the only resident survey endorsed by the International City/County Management Association and the National League of Cities.
  • The Sampled Survey was designed to be as representative as possible of the population of the county. A sampling of community households are selected to participate and they are randomly selected from a comprehensive list of residential addresses as an effort to reduce bias and get feedback from all areas within the community. The sampled group is mailed a paper invitation and survey packet, though they may opt to fill out the survey online. Their link is unique to their household and should not be shared. This effort is to gather accurate data from the residents who make up our community today.
  • The Open Participation Survey is offered to all residents so each voice in the community can be heard. This survey is hosted online only. It is identical to the Sampled Survey except that it asks if you are a resident of the community and to confirm which area of the community you live in.
  • The Sampled Survey opened August 24th.

  •  The Open Participation Survey began September 21st.

Both surveys will closed on October 8th at 11:59. 

  • The Sampled Survey was for randomly selected households only.
  • The Open Participation Survey was open to all residents for the specific boundaries.
  • Your responses are confidential and no identifying information will be shared.
  • This is a confidential survey conducted by an outside firm, so your identity is completely secure.
  • Every effort is made to pose questions as neutrally as possible. The team of survey scientists put a tremendous amount of thought into this when developing the main survey. Because all opinions are welcome, the questions need to be a blend of easy to understand, simple to respond to, and neutral in the way they are asked. There are many methods with which this is accomplished, but one of the more noticeable ones are questions with “if at all” contained in the question.

    For example: “How much of a priority, if at all, should it be for Warrenville to focus on the following initiatives?” is a neutral way of presenting the question, making it as easy to answer positively as it is negatively.

The survey results will be used to help the City better the serve the community.

  • Polco is an online community engagement polling platform that is conducting The NCS. Polco launches surveys and analyzes the data, providing local governments and other public sector leaders with important information needed to make decisions within the community. Hundreds of organizations nationwide use Polco for strategic planning, budgeting, and empowering resident voices.

About Polco

Polco  (www.polco.uswas developed to quickly deploy and analyze surveys online, providing the agility to gather critical information from community stakeholders throughout the nation. We have created tools for governments, economic development organizations and nonprofits to measure community livability. Respondents to The NCS are asked to join the City’s Polco panel to see the survey results and continue to engage with the city on future research. 

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 8:00 PM-8:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.